Tip on how to get those slats perfectly evenly spaced ....

When you're installing the slats it's super important to keep the spacing straight.  Luckily .... that's super easy too!

Use some common household objects to set the spacing the same on the left and right.  Go scavenger hunting in your house for 2 of anything about the right size .... 2 identical spice jars, 2 identical thread spools, 2 salad dressing bottle lids, 2 salt and pepper shakers, 2 cosmetic bottles, etc.  Put one on the left and one on the right, glue in your slats, 2 more on the left and right above that, glue in the next row, continue until finished.  If you're using glue leave those spacers until the earring holder is completely dry.

Of course - plan out that spacing before you start glueing so you get it exactly the way you want it.